中国讲座网总首页 > 电脑教程 > 平面设计


  • 软件大小:1.52 GB 更新时间:2012-08-25 22:04:04
  • Tags:PHOTOSHOP   授权方式:【中国讲座网】
  • 电脑类别:国产软件 / 平面设计 电脑语言:简体中文
  • 插件:推荐星级:
  • 售价:¥ 1 元 销量:783335 套


The third part of the popular and comprehensive series Photoshop CS6 One-on-One follows industry pro Deke McClelland as he plunges into the inner workings of Adobe Photoshop. He shows how to adjust your color, interface, and performance settings to get the best out of your images and the most out of Photoshop, and explores the power of Smart Objects, Shadows/Highlights, and Curves for making subtle, nondestructive adjustments. The course es into Camera Raw to experiment with the editing toolset there, and returns to Photoshop to discuss toning, blur, and blend modes. Deke also teaches tried-and-true methods for sharpening details and reducing noise, as well as creating quick and accurate selections with Quick Mask, Color Range, and Refine Edge commands.
Topics include:
Adjusting the color settings in Photoshop
Placing and blending Smart Objects in a scene
Transforming and warping vector objects
Correcting for lens distortion
Mitigating halos and enhancing contrast with Shadows/Highlights
Adding and editing points on a curve
Editing multiple images in Camera Raw
Creating a pro-quality sepia tone or quadtone
Colorizing with blend modes and opacity
Reducing and smoothing over noise
Creating depth-of-field effects with blur
Selecting with Color Range and Quick Mask
Perfecting a mask with Refine Edge
Drawing paths with the Pen tool
Converting path outlines to vector masks



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